Portion Sizing


Portion sizing is important in the home. Aside from time spent, food waste is one of the biggest deterrents of cooking for yourself. Allow this infographic to act as a guide when you decide the exact portions needed to stretch dinner into lunch at the office tomorrow. The key word here is guide. Deviate for your appetite and healthy eating habits.

To sustain the habit of cooking for yourself, develop an accurate understanding of how much you eat and find balance in it. You'll never be left with a fridge full of spoiled food, or tasked with cooking for yourself more than 3 days of the week when you know your portions. Remember, think sustainably! I don't want you to worry about finding time to cook each night or feel like you're money and labor is literally going in the trash. Then you'll leave the kitchen, and that leaves me sad. Experiment with your portions, and master them! 

NOTE: The protein section of the infographic is for two servings