I’m Chef Jeremiah Lemons and I want to welcome you to my site! I never imagined that ‘When Life Hands You Lemons’ would become what it is today. Honestly, it was born as an excuse to make a snapchat, and turned into a career for me. I saw early on how much my friends didn't understand about food and I felt compelled to begin changing that. Teaching food gives me the space to be creative, and add value to lives..
Through social media I began to share recipes and insights on food to begin elevating my friends and peers's knowledge. The feeling I get when I hear someone excitedly tell me about a recipe of mine they've tried, a new skill they've learned, or that they've been inspired to give cooking another try drives me to find new ways to reach others. So here we are; with this site being the vehicle.
My goal and purpose here is to transcend the way you experience your food, the way you think about your food, and the way you prepare it. I share my knowledge, experience, and expertise with love while also delivering some style and culture; and I'm having fun doing it!
To learn more about me and my other interests feel free to shoot over to my "Life of Lem" page. Outside of being a practicing chef, and food educator I coach, rather ‘teach’ Varsity HS basketball; my first love. Feel to free to spark up any conversation about food, hoops, Georgia Football, and oh, SNEAKERS!